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What’s going on over at the Patreon page?

What’s going on over at the Patreon page? published on No Comments on What’s going on over at the Patreon page?

Hey there, ladies and gents! I just wanted to give you all a little tease of the stuff I’m working on for the patreon page. This is the undersketch for the monthly pinup drawing of Alyssa, the full color version turned out great! These pinups aren’t too racy, just good old fashioned classic style pinups. Each month she’ll have a new pose, a new costume and other furry members of our little family will be featured. Who knows, you might even see me in there sometimes! 😉

Don’t worry, there will definitely be a comic this week. I’m not gonna leave you all hanging two weeks in a row!

pinup 1 sketch

-George V Berger

A little bit about George and some updates!

A little bit about George and some updates! published on 1 Comment on A little bit about George and some updates!

Hey there, everybody! Just making a little update here to keep you all in the know about Awkward Love. I’ve been focusing on a few things that are pretty big over here, one of which is a AAA Hard Science Space Dogfighter video game that will hopefully be seeing some light in a month or two. You can read a few small details here! I’ve been the lead UI designer on the game for about 2 years and since we’re about to start hitting the gas on the project I’ve been pretty busy. Toss a heavy load of other freelance projects, a teaching position at Rutgers University and a full time job on the pile and my brain is never too far away from a meltdown! It’s all work I adore, but it can sometimes get in the way of these comics.

Because of this, I’ve made two decisions.

1. I will be redesigning the site once again to make it a little more exciting. Nothing terribly huge like the last redesign, but still something good…. beacuse…

2. I have made a Patreon account! If I can remove that “heavy load of freelance projects” from my days I will be able to go CRAZY with Awkward Love. I never wanted to ask my readers for money outright, but as life keeps getting in the way I am beginning to realize why this is so common among web comics. I’ve got big things in the works including more additions to the “Beginnings” comics showing how I met Alyssa, more “Singles” one panel gags and a huge Awkward Love spin off comic!! The link to my Patreon is right here. Or you can click on my little ad right here!:
patreon-adAnyone who can help support this comic will be my hero. It’s been a long time dream of mine to do something like this and I’ve already come so much further than I ever thought I would. I’m so proud of this project and even more than that, I’m overjoyed that these little gags make you all smile a little every week (or so).

I’ll be focusing on making the Patreon page look better and sprucing up the site this weekend so no comic tonight. Thanks endlessly for the support, and as always, I love my readers!

-George V Berger





Another long week at the office!

Another long week at the office! published on 4 Comments on Another long week at the office!

Hey there, everyone! Just making sure I reach out to you all and let you know I’ll be late posting again. Things have been really tough at the office, and with all the other work I do on the side I’ve been pretty strapped for Awkward Love time 🙁


Here’s a little rundown of everything on my plate just to give you all a good idea and explain why I’m not always hitting my mark:

First I have a full time job making small games for which I have a rather long commute. Once that part of the day is over I have three hefty freelance clients and a major game title I’ve been working on for the last 2 years (I’ll be posting details here when we start our Kickstarter campaign! 😀 ) And FINALLY, I also teach at a local university here in Jersey. Teaching and Awkward Love are the two things that really brighten my life, but unfortunately only one of them helps put food on the table. Until Awkward Love starts earning a little money I will be forced to put my deadlines on the back burner when deadlines and student issues get heavy. I never intended to use this comic as a revenue source but as many artists know, to make a real living with art one must work very very hard and the fun stuff often ends up on the shelf.

I am DETERMINED to make this strip the long lasting reliable source of laughs and smiles I have been trying to make it, but until I can find that right balance between work and passion, I will unfortunately miss the occasional Friday 🙁

You folks, my readers, are very important to me. Every time I get a comment on a strip, or a suggestion or joke on Reddit, it really makes my day. Eventually I would love to hear from my readers a LOT more. I want to get to know all of you, I’d love to know if my comics brighten your days like they do mine! Talking with the people who read these strips really fills me up with fuel for the next comic!


So thank you all for the patience and the good vibes. I hope to hear from some of you, get your thoughts on the direction of Awkward Love and hear suggestions for making space for comic art time in my life. You’re all the life-blood of this endeavor!tired



-George V Berger



Working Hard and Hardly Working; a Question for my Readers!

Working Hard and Hardly Working; a Question for my Readers! published on 8 Comments on Working Hard and Hardly Working; a Question for my Readers!
Hey everyone! Just dropping an update here so you all know what’s up. First off, things are a-changing over here at Awkward Love. I’m pushing my style and (hopefully) skill so that the next comics can be even better and I’m training a bit so that I can make one big change requested by a fair few readers. That and Fallout 4 are a few of the things that have kept me off my usual weekly schedule. Once I hone in a bit and get things where they need to be I’ll be back into my routine and making strips for you all as quickly as I can.
NOW! That being said I’d like to ask you all something:
Do you like the black and white approach I’ve been using? Would you like to see the strip in color if that means a slightly slower release schedule?
I’m leaving it up to you guys and as always, THANKS FOR READING!!!

At Comic Con this week!

At Comic Con this week! published on 3 Comments on At Comic Con this week!

Hey there, ladies and gents! Just a quick update for you about the comic and what I’m up to this week 🙂 First off, all this week I will be at comic con! I had a strip drawn up but the costume Alyssa was wearing in it never arrived so I’m holding off on publishing it until it does (if it does). Until then I will be wandering the crowds handing out my little post card and hoping some new people come by and read a little! Until next week then, thanks for reading and hope I see some of you at the con!!


Our first T-Shirt is officially here!

Our first T-Shirt is officially here! published on No Comments on Our first T-Shirt is officially here!

mad-maxHey there, everybody! I’ve finally published the first official t-shirt for Awkward Love! I will be making more, some basic shirts with the logo and some characters but since this strip really launched this webcomic, I went with “Traffic” as my first design. Head on over here and take a look! Awkward Love’s Tee Public Page and our First Shirt!

No comic this week, LET’S CAT DANCE!!

No comic this week, LET’S CAT DANCE!! published on 1 Comment on No comic this week, LET’S CAT DANCE!!

Hey everyone! I’ve been working hard on some new stuff for this site lately, and I’ve started using some new software to make my next few comics. Things are looking great here but I am not going to be able to get this week’s comic done 🙁

Until then, I’m hoping to hear from all of you! I love hearing from my readers and I take your suggestions as often as I can. Let me hear what you think of the new site, how do you like the most recent comics? What would you like to see on some T-shirts when I start making them? There’s so much to talk about!


Until then


New site design and a new comic

New site design and a new comic published on No Comments on New site design and a new comic

hey everyone! I finally got the site looking good, big thanks to my friend Andrew for the help, couldn’t have done it on my own! 

One thing we got working was a more “webcomic” style layout with navigations that you’re all accustomed to, but for some reason the new format isn’t letting my subscribers know when I put up a new comic. So until I figure that all out I’ll be making little posts like this to keep you all updated! 

“The Chase” was drawn over a few weeks while I worked on some of these recent strips. It comes both from my love of the 80s and my love of Calvin and Hobbes. The format may seem familiar, and that’s because this is basically a Spaceman Spiff strip. All credit for the concept to the great Bill Waterson!!


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