Awkward Love’s July Update!
Game A Con, one of those big projects I was telling you about!
Hey there, everyone! I can finally tell you all a little about one of my big projects that’s been holding me up lately! Game A Con ( is a new convention in Atlantic City (more locations to be announced) made for the gamer community and aspiring developers. It’s got a great personal vibe to it and I’ve been working on redesigning their look! Alyssa is working as their social media manager too, so it’s an official Awkward Love project, lol. The website is still under construction so stay tuned for a re-design, but I’ve just released images of the new logo and mascot for the show (you may recognizer her 😉
So stay tuned and if you want to meet us, come to the show! I’ll have a booth there and will be talking game development with my peers and friends from the industry. Alyssa will be there rocking her cosplay as usual! Spreading the word is a great way to support us without spending a dime, so tell your friends!
Little Update on Awkward Love and The Patreon
Hey there, my lovely readers! Just wanted to drop you all an update on things here and explain a few things.
I know I’ve been publishing less than weekly lately and I’m not too happy about that. I’ve also missed May’s Patreon publishing by a day now (officially) and don’t worry, I’ll have two desktops and two pinups out as soon as possible.
So, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, there’s a huuuuuge project I’m on that’s been dominating my spare time. It’s a big game, biggest I’ve had the chance to work on in a good long while, and I’ve been doing my very best to make sure I keep up my end of the project (UI/UX and graphic design). There is some big stuff happening with this project soon, and once that’s out of the way I can maybe cool my jets on that enough to get back to a weekly publishing schedule. Another little hiccup here is that the Patreon hasn’t gotten to the point yet where I can rely on it to replace a couple of my major freelance efforts. I know that’s not an excuse, but hey, these strips take time and time is money. FOR ALL MY CURRENT PATRONS, let it be known that you’re ALL amazing and the support you’ve shown me so far is more appreciated than you could possibly know. I’ve been leaving the earnings in escrow for the time being as I’m hoping to use Patreon to fund a few new art tools (laptop and accessories) that I can set aside just for comic work. This poor little laptop of mine does so so much work, lol.
FOR ALL MY CURRENT READERS, patron or not, you’re all awesome. When I started this I never thought I’d have anything I might call and audience, so if you can’t afford to support Awkward Love or even if you just don’t want to, don’t worry, Alyssa and I still got love for you all!
Finally, to my students, I know a couple of you are on my patron list even though I said you shouldn’t be. You are my rocks, you guys. To know that students of mine have decided to help support Awkward Love, well words can’t begin to express my thanks. Hell, you’ve all already paid for my class, and yet here you are still supporting me. It’s humbling and I can’t tell you how good it feels to see your names on my little Patron list. Please keep in touch, I want to know how I can help you when you need it!
Many thanks for the patience and good will!
-George V Berger
What do you do when you get into the office early?
Samples of art from AC BC
Conward HO!
Alyssa and I have been readying ourselves for a comic convention this weekend so anyone who’s been to one might understand that this week’s strip will be postponed 🙂 Hopefully I can drum up a few new readers and add to this lovely little family of ours! Wish us luck!
If you’ll be at AC BC, look for us! We’ll be at the Game a Con booth and Alyssa will be cosplaying as Mad Moxxi. If you’re in the Atlantic City area and are looking for something to do, here’s the link to the con site
Teaser of the Final Patreon Goal Spinoff Comic!
Hey everyone, I thought it might be good to give you all a teaser of the spinoff I’m planning to make once I reach my final goal on Patreon. I’m not going to tell you toooo much about the story but I’m sure you all can guess a few details. It will be a continuous story line and will run side-by-side with Awkward Love. Be sure to visit the Awkward Love Patreon page here ( ) to become a patron and help us reach this goal! There’s also lots of great stuff our patrons get that nobody else does like Pinup drawings, desktops and a little blog with pictures of the real animals!
P.S. Don’t worry, Taffy will be a character. She’s just not done being re-designed yet
So much work!
But hey, an artist’s gotta eat! I’ll be talking more about it here soon, but I have a big project I’ve been working hard on for the past two years and we’re reaching for a big deadline this week and within the next month so things are gonna get a little hairy. I’ve got some fun strips written that I absolutely WILL get to, but the publishing schedule will be a bit off from week to week. Thanks so much for sticking with this strip, everyone! Lots of love to all of you!
Comment below, I really want to keep hearing from all my awesome readers!
Awkward Love Gets SEXY!
That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve decided to embrace the inevitable and start making fan service. I know many of you have been looking at a certain character and thinking to yourself “gee whiz, this is the sexiest character I’ve ever seen! I wish the artist would get cheekier with the art!” Well your hopes and dreams are about to be realized! Behold…. THE SEXIEST PINUP DRAWING OF ALL TIME!!